Friday, November 30, 2007


It's finally friday and I'm really, really ready for the weekend. And this cold front to move on past. I miss running outside but after Wednesday's noon run and my frozen ears, well, I don't want to take chances again. Which makes me nervous -- am I going to have to run 5 miles on a treadmill on Sunday? I've been putting off treadmilling for as long as humanly possible.

On another note, today's the day I'm going to talk to my boss about my interest in moving up/to another place. Because I feel, personally and professionally, I'm ready. As much as I think about Wyoming and dream of living in the wilderness, I know deep down that it's not the right move for me. Which means I need to ask for help from within. Which is so amazingly hard. I've been putting it off for months.

Yesterday I did a 40 minute bootcamp video which was surprisingly hard but not the strength training section. I'm not used to doing all the squats and lunges, but they've got to be good for me. And it's nice to feel my muscles this morning. Tonight I'll probably do the eliptical and maybe some strength/core or even yoga; Saturday is spinning and arm strength; Sunday is a long run. Hopefully outside but not if the windchill drops to the negative teens again. I happen to like me ears.

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