Tuesday, June 12, 2007

a confession...

Okay, I checked the scale this morning.


Not bad, 2 pounds down from the 131 I had at this month's beginning. Higher than I was hoping though. Although I knew it was coming -- Some days I feel like I've been eating everything in the house and then some.

What the hell?

So today I'm starting over. No more cookies from the break room or chocolate from the coin machines (even though it's for a good cause and a quarter buys you only a handful). No more carb-loaded meals.

Instead: more veggies, more fruit, more protein, more yogurt, more tea and more water. Much, much more water.

The problem this week is that I've been eating so much that I don't feel like exercising -- although luckily I did make it out the door quite a few times last week.

Sunday - Sunday brought 5 workouts and 10 miles of running (2,2,2,4). At the 4 mile mark the bottom of my foot hurt. But after icing and stretching that's gone now, so I plan on running again tomorrow.

I'm not counting the hour "kayaking" lesson D gave me Sunday, although I woke up so sore and tired. It was fun and I can definately see the appeal of the sport -- I just wish I was better at it so I wouldn't get so scared on a "roll!"

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