Saturday, June 02, 2007

day 2

Day 2 of the month-without-the-scale challenge.

While I'm not checking my weight, I'm checking my caloric intake pretty regularly. Yesterday was about a 2,000 calorie day -- pretty good, actually, considering I ate lunch and dinner out. It also helps that I did my bike-swim-bike hour routine yesterday. Today I'm tired but not sore! Yay!

I'm a little nervous about not checking the scale for a month. What if I gain weight? How will I know that I'm not on track?

But the thing is ... deep down I do know if I'm on and off track. I can tell by how full my tummy is or how much I exercise or how well my clothes fit.

This month is about trusting myself to eat healthy and exercise. It's about approaching my body in a healthy way.

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