Thursday, August 30, 2007

alone ...

I had one of those weird days yesterday where I was craving friendship and laughter but couldn't actually bring myself to participate.

D texted me -- again -- after I told him not to the previous night. I know he wants to stay friends but I just need some time and some space to be alone with the world.

And that's where I am right now. I just want to be alone, doing my own thing, making plans for the future. I think word of our breakup has spread around the office, since my supervisor said to me: "We hope you stay with us in the future, instead of going somewhere else."

To be honest, I don't know what I want yet. Except that I want to live somewhere beautiful and outdoorsy, that's big enough not to get boring, and I want to move into a place a get a dog. Which, of course, requires a little bit more money than I'm earning now.

Anyway, today's a rest day but I think I'm going to do some strength training. I need to add that in.

I've had a very successful exercise week, if not eating week: Sunday I ran a mile; Monday was kickboxing; Tuesday was spinning; yesterday was running 1.5 miles. (My foot hurt at the end so I didn't push it to 20 minutes like I wanted to).

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