Thursday, August 09, 2007

my life

I have been going through a funk lately. The non-running plus parents moving plus career worries plus job stress just doesn't suit me very well. And, lets face it, I'm one of those people whose emotional environment greatly affects them. If people I hang around are unhappy (i.e. most of my coworkers) then I, too become unhappy.

But today I work and decided that I am not going to wallow any more. I'm going to actively lead my life in a way I want to.

That means:

On the health front:
- Regularly exercising in the morning before work. I started Monday and have already squeezed in three workouts so far this week, a much better track record than if I post pone it for after work. I feel good about taht.
- A running goal. I already have a 5K training plan and goal picked out for September, with a back-up goal in October. I see the foot doctor in less than a week and hopefully he gives me the go-ahead.
- Learning about biking. I'm saving money for a road bike, getting my hybrid fixed and subscribing to bicycling. I have a feeling this hobby will help my physically and mentally.
- Eat healhier. Already I've lost one pound this week, so I'm back to 130. I feel better. I'm not craving junk. It makes a difference.

On the career front:
- Actively seek out meaningful stories.
- Actively take destressing breaks.
- Actively apply to jobs in places (ie beautiful places) I will enjoy.
- Actively pursue a childrens writing career. (I already have one call out!)
- Actively learn about librarianship, as it's a career choice I keep coming back to.

On the mental front:
- Realize the choices I make as an adult are mine to make, and mine alone.

On the relationship/friend front:
- Stop relying on D for my after-work activities. Make other friends (which seems to be harder than I realize).
- Starting going on "dates" again with D.
- Start calling family more often.

On the other-parts-of-my-life front:
- Start being creative. Draw, paint, play music. I miss that.
- Start keeping a journal. That usually helps destress me.
- Seek out nature. I love nature.

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