Tuesday, April 10, 2007


So Easter and all those damn chocolate bunnies and eggs and jelly beans caught up with me.

I weight in at 131 this morning -- up 3 pounds from Friday and 4 pounds from the week before. Even though I ran 8 miles on Saturday. And I can tell. My pants feel tight.

Which means I need to start regulating my eating again, because I know that it wasn't just Sunday that got me. It was Saturday too, and all last week when I ate chocolate bars (instead of just pieces of them) and tacos and two rolls instead of one. I ate more than I normally do, and the only thing I can reason why is because D was home and I was probably seeking out comfort food.

Comfort food? I know it doesn't make a lot of sense ... except that last week, with his homecoming, there was a lot of changes. Quickly. He came home and his stuff took over my apartment. He wanted to go out to eat instead of cook a healthy meal or have the quick frozen burrito that I have been eating for dinners sometimes. He took over my car and I packed pb&j instead of going for co-op soup or subway during lunch. We went for bagels for breakfast and take-out for dinner and I ate the whole thing. He brought home delicious, huge white country buns that I normally would never have bought, let only eat a whole one, but I did.

Which means, I'm just going to need to be more aware of the portions that I'm eating. There's no reason to stop all that I ate this week -- hell, I'm so excited he's home and I've been missing going out to dinner and cooking with him and such -- but I just need to eat about half of what I ate.

Monday's run
Distance: 3-ish miles (probably 3.2 miles)
Time: 35 minutes
Conditions: 40 degrees, sunny, slight wind.
Course: lap warm up/cool down around the park, up to the watertower and back.
Note: My knees kind of hurt on the outside, first on the left and then on the right. I think it may have to do with running on the concrete sidewalk. I will need to investigate.

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