Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ahhhh vacation

I'm pleasantly surprised that my weight only increased .5 pounds -- to 128.5 or 129, depending on which way you step on the scale. Given that amazing holiday weekend and amazing food I had while visiting my parents in Arizona, I was very happy. But, even more happy that I got to spenda long weekend with all my siblings and my parents, who I miss. But I guess it's time they become snow birds and fly south ... and honestly, they both look happy and healthy. So the desert must be good for them.

I also was happy with my activity level -- a killer 5k with my brother on Thanksgiving (30:30!!), which is something like a 9:50 minute mile. My fastest one yet! A two hour hike up (and down) Pinnacle Peak, a horseback ride through the desert and an hour run (4.7 miles?) with my mom. Not to mention that we sat in the jaccuzi every single day!

Ahh what a life! :)

So now, it's time for my relaxed and vacationed self to go back to work... I just hope to hang on to this feeling, this confidence and I might dare to say glow for a while.

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