Monday, November 05, 2007

back on track ... part two

132. Talk about frustrating after I ran my 4 miler yesterday.

But then I thought back to what I ate this weekend and it was a "duh" moment. Sure, I worked out every day. Sure, I skipped the booze and goodies at the party. But. I ate a crazy number of nachos and cheese on Friday. And then I continued to munch on the chips the rest of the weekend and graze. I also had lots of chocolate and candy in the days following halloween. I didn't really cook at all last week and had moments where I just wasn't sure what I wanted -- and so I chose the non-healthy choice.

The chips are now in the garbage can. My fridge is now full of veggies and healthy fixings.

Now it's up to me. Time to seriously get my eating back on track!

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