Thursday, November 15, 2007

skipped the bar

I skipped the bar last night, slept in a bit, went for a two mile run, cleaned the kitchen and am now icing more feet. Icing the feet is a bad sign, it means they hurt after only running two miles (in 20 minutes, by the way!). I doubled up on socks today and it helped with the heel slipping a bit. I ordered a new pair of my old running shoes online so maybe that's the answer, not these fancy shoes I was talked into buying.

I skipped the bar last night for a number of reasons. I was tired, I wanted to run this morning, but also because I questioned the way I was invited. I know, I'm over analyzing a perfectly good drinking invite... the thing is, I'm not a big drinker. I would much rather play a game or do something outside or go out to dinner than sit around a bar and drink. Drinking for the sake of drinking makes me nervous -- and I hate how it makes me feel the next day. Don't get me wrong, I do like a glass of wine with dinner or a beer on a hot day. I just haven't made friends here (well, I have but they moved away ...) that view drinking for the sake of drinking the same way and I don't want to get sucked into a scene that I'm not comfortable with.


Weight: 130
Run: 2 miles up the hill to the watertower, 20 minutes
Feet: My heels hurt :(

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