Tuesday, November 20, 2007

vaca baby

I worked my legs off in spinning today -- the first time I went in about two weeks -- and it felt damn good! Hard, but good.

I'm now on vacation and I'm starting to finally relax. We'll see how relaxed I am at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning when I wake up to get my arse to the airport at 5 a.m., but seriously relaxed.

The only stresser of today was when D called to see if we could meet up this week. No, I can't. I'm flying south. Apparently he wants to get together for lunch or something; sounds like there's a lot of changes happening in his world. I may be at that point next week. Three weeks of silence and it may be time to start communicating with the ex. If it's on my terms. And he actually follows through.

So, I'm putting that into the back of my mind next and I'm off to go bask in the sun of Arizona! woohoo! :)

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