Wednesday, October 10, 2007

taking chances

I think I'm back down to 130.5, although it's hard to tell. My scale isn't exactly the easiest to read -- but I have to remember I bought it that way. I don't want to obsess over the decimal when I'm maintaining.

I went to spin today but failed to do arm strength because my gym buddy is moving away! I've only known her a few months but it was nice having a friendly face at the gym and a non-work friend to hang out with occasionally. We went out for burritos after class and talked about life and moving forward and taking chances. I'm very excited about her new job! And it has me thinking about my job search.

I haven't been taking any risks and I haven't applied to companies that know my work. Which sounds silly, but I'm almost scared of scoring an interview and landing a job because, well, everything. would. change.

I'm going to think about this for a few days. I need to find a way around my hesitation.

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