Monday, January 22, 2007


I popped an advil this morning, despite not having a throbbing headache. I was just that sore.

I ran five miles yesterday on a treadmill at the YMCA. I ran it in 57:45 minutes, a time that I'm happy with because it's under an hour. I've only run 5 miles one other time, last year. And while I was mentally and physically prepared this time around, my muscles took a beating.

And I have battle scars. Yes, that's right -- chaffing. Ouch! After mile 3 my inner thighs began to hurt. By mile 4 I was running with a weird, wider stride to try and prevent the inevitable. By the time I slowed down after passing mile 5, there were round, red bumps on both legs.

A few quick google searches and I see this is a common problem. Which makes sense, because I'm more the "curvy" runner than the "long and lean" runner.

But I'm confused by all the solutions offered: vasoline, special chaffing cream, wearing bike shorts.

Do I really need to carry a small thing of vasoline, to apply to my thighs when I run? And does the special chaffing cream really work? And wouldn't the bike shorts make me chafe, well, in other places?

And I thought running would be one of the simpler sports to take up!

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