Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3 miles

I didn't feel like running today.

All day I had that tired, drag-myself-around-the-office feeling. Almost like when I had mono the last time. Or the time before that, or before that...

I went to the gym and I felt like quitting before I even began. There wasn't any treadmills open, the creepy old guy was running on the track. It would be so easy to go home... but I was already there. So I jumped on an eliptical for 10 minutes until a treadmill opened. I told myself I would run 20 minutes. Than 2 miles. Than 30 minutes. Than 3 miles.

Before I knew it, I was on fire!

It felt good. And I'm feeling good.

The best news of the day/week/month: D is coming home in 16 days. 16 DAYS! That's two weeks earlier than we thought. Which means in two weeks the deployment will be behind us and it means that we will have made it. We will have made it.

Damn, I've missed him these past few months.

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 32:38
Avg. Pace: 10:53 mins.
Where: On the treadmill

5 mins. ab work.

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