Monday, March 19, 2007


I didn't run yesterday, it was cold and windy and it occasionally burst into snow.

I could have gone to the gym, I was only scheduled for five miles -- an hour on the treadmill instead of two hours to run 10 or 11. But I was just so disapointed. The weathermen had promised sunny skies and balmy, warm weather.

I'm surprised how easily I was discouraged, although I know much of it was health related. This past week I felt exausted most days, and I worry I have another batch of mono. I spent much of the mornings lying in bed instead of being out and about. Maybe I needed a rest day instead of a long run.

I did do something I've been wanting to do for a while, though: Clean. With D coming home in less than two weeks now, I want my apartment spick and span. I've kind of let the dust and the grime pile up while he's been away because, hey, I've been the only person living here.

Okay, today's the day to get back on the band wagon. My strategy is to pack my gym bag, and if it's nice when I leave work, to run at home. If it's not nice, I'm prepared for the gym.

So, my goals today:
1. Eat mindfully.
2. Run and do ab and arm work. (I want to increase to 8 minutes for ab work and 5 minutes for arm work).

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