Monday, March 12, 2007

not sore

I'm sore, but not as sore as I thought I would be.

10 miles, hills, and not that sore the day after.

I'm getting stronger!

And another plus: it's staying lighter out longer.

I know most people hate losing an hour for day light savings, but I love it. I drove home from work at 5 p.m. and it felt like spring! Like summer was just around the corner, just a few more days and the snow would be gone and D would be home and we would be bbqing outside and enjoying the long summer evenings.

It's so close I can almost smell it...

So I celebrated by mapmyrun-ing some of my local routes. I've found quite a few different variations between 2 and 4 miles around here. What a fun little google tool!

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