Monday, February 19, 2007


Work today was exausting. I'm still hungover from my junk food binge and 12+ hour work days last week. I ate better than all last week, but still had more than my fair share of chocolate.

I plan on doing the ball video this evening. Hopefully that will help my recovery.

But on the plus side, I'm at about the same weight as before the trip. I clocked in at about 129 this morning. I was down to 127 about two weeks before the trip, but looking at my calendar I was 129 the week before. Not bad.

D told me he signed up for the half-marathon. He wants to run together, and I like the idea but wonder about it. He's a natural athlete (tall, naturally lean, etc) while I am far from that. If he really trained, there's no way I could keep up. And I wonder if he'll like running at my slow pace (a 12 min. mile). He hasn't been running much, but he's athletic enough to catch up and surpass me in the next two months.

We've never actually run together. He's 6'2, I'm 5'3. Just that height difference makes a big difference.

We shall see ...

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