Monday, February 26, 2007

my food

I cleaned off everything my plate today, but I didn't eat before actually sitting down to eat (something I tend to do). And the random sugar cookies in the break room? I had two bites and then threw it away.

I think I had about 2,000 calories or so. That's about where I'm aiming, although I guess I would like to be as low as 1,800 calories if possible.

Here's what I had. Pretty healthy:

Breakfast: Coffee with soy milk, 1/3 cup granola. 2/3 cup low fat plain yogurt, banana.
Snack: Tea with skim milk.
Lunch: Subway cheese and veggie sandwich with low-fat honey mustard, sun chips.
Snack: 100-calorie popcorn, apple, 2 bites of a sugar cookie.
Dinner: Spinach and tomato salad with french and balsamic dressing, 1 cup carrot and cashew soup, 1 slice multi-grain bread, chick-pea pattie, grapes, 1/4 cup ice cream.

On an aside, this Mississippi project is killing me. I'm so stressed out I'm getting writer's block! I brought my work lap top home to try and get stuff done, most of everything is due Tuesday and completely Wednesday. That's two days. Eek!

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